Article 1 – Name of Organization
The name of the organization is D.E.S is it.
D.E.S is it is a Nonprofit Organization based on french law No. 40-484 of July 1, 1901.
Article 2 – Specific Purposes
The specific objectives and purposes of our Organization are:
- Defend the interests of DES victims (diethylstilbestrol), all generations and sexes combined;
- Supply information victims of DES, their entourage and health professionals on the consequences and transgenerational effects of DES;
- Inform victims of the DES of possible remedies, including legal ones, to obtain compensation for the drug-related injuries: bodily, moral and financial;
- Raise awareness amongst the general public to help prevent healthcare drug scandals;
- Create a Solidarity networks, mutual aid, support for DES victims;
- Connecting with other Organizations engaged in defending:
- interests of DES victims;
- interests of victims Big Pharma;
- interests of victims of endocrine disruptors;
- and more broadly, interests of victims of medical errors
- Collect data in order for studies, research and evaluation work;
- Publish press releases and guides;
- Cooperate with international scientific research: participation in scientific studies on the transgenerational effects of DES;
- Contact the competent authorities to submit them proposals about:
- Injury recognition;
- The creation of DES status;
- The creation of a DES diagnosis;
- DES healthcare;
- Compensation for victims of DES.
Article 3 – Headquarters
Organization headquarters: LYON, FRANCE.It can be moved by decision of the President.
Article 4 – Duration
The duration of the organization is indefinite.
Article 5 – Classes of Members
- Founding members: Natural persons interested in the purposes of the Organization, adhering to the Bylaws and its internal regulations, and whose names appears in the appendix to these Bylaws. Founding members may co-opt other founding members during the life of the Organization. The founding members participate in the General Meeting with deliberative voice.
- Regular members: Regular members are natural or legal persons interested in the purposes of the Organization in accordance with these Bylaws and its internal regulations, and who submit to a membership application and the payment of such dues and fees as apply at the time. They are members of the General Meeting with deliberative voice.
- Honorary members: Honorary members are individuals who have been recognized by the Organization for outstanding contribution to the Organization. They are nominated by the President and the Vice-President. They have no deliberative voice.
- Benefactor Members: Any natural or legal person choosing to contribute additional financial support to the Organization, by making a donation worth 150€ or more, in addition to their regular membership become a Benefactor Member for the current calendar year.
Article 6 – Membership
Membership is open to all victims of DES and their close relatives. Other Membership applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
To be part of the Organization, it is necessary to be approved by the Vice-President who rules on Membership applications presented.
Article 7 – Dues
Each member must pay, within the time and on the conditions set forth in these Bylaws, the dues. There may be different dues for different classes of Members. The amount is set by the Board.
Article 8 – Termination or Suspension of Membership
Causes of Termination or Suspension:
- Resignation of the member; Any member may voluntarily withdraw from membership at any time. The letter may be addressed to the President;
- Death of the member;
- Any member who has not paid their dues;
- Expiration of the fixed term of the membership, unless the membership is renewed before its expiration;
- Termination of the legal existence of a member that is not a natural person;
- Expulsion of the member. If a member would affect an important, substantial interest of the Organization, he can be expelled or suspended.
The member to be expelled or suspended is given notice, including a statement of the reasons for the expulsion or suspension.
He is given an opportunity to be heard by the person or body deciding the matter, orally or in writing.
Founding member are permanent members with the voting privileges Any founding member can resign from her/his position. A founding member may be removed by unanimous vote of other founding members for engaging in activities contrary to the Bylaws of the Organization.
Article 9 – Affiliation
The Organization may affiliate with or otherwise participate in the activities of other Organizations, or other Groups, by decision of the Office.
Article 10 – Resources
The resources of the Organization include:
- Dues amount;
- Founding Members contributions;
- All resources, including donations, legacies and life annuities, and all services, the obtaining of which is not contrary either to the law, to the regulations in force, or to the purposes of this Organization;
- Financial aid that the Organization can receive from patrons because of its purpose under the conditions provided for in article 238 bis of the Code Général des Impôts;
Article 11 – General Meetings
The General Meeting of the Organization shall be held in May of each year at a place and on a date to be selected by the Office.
All members in good standing may attend of the General Meeting.
The Organization shall give Members written notice of the date, time and place of each General and Special Members’ Meeting. Such notice shall be given, either personally, by mail or electronic means, not less than fifteen (15) days before the date of the meeting.
A quorum for the General Meeting of the Organization shall be no less than 30% members in good standing who shall be present in person or represented by proxy at such duly called meeting. A member cannot hold more than 2 mandates.
If quorum is not met, the Meeting is reconvened within a period of fifteen to thirty days and, in this second meeting, it validly deliberates by an absolute majority, whatever the number of members present or represented.
The President, assisted by the Vice-President, preside the General Meeting.
The Treasurer shall submit the annual financial report.
Voting in all General Meetings shall be by voice vote, roll call vote, show of hands, electronic vote or mail. All matters will be decided by a majority vote of both those in attendance and those who have submitted proxy votes in advance.
The President may cast the decisive vote in the event of a tie.
Any decisions taken by General Meeting shall be binding on all members, including any absent or dissenting members and any that were incapable of voting.
Article 12 – Special Meetings
Special Meetings of the members may be called by the President or not less than one-third (1/3) of the members having voting rights, n the same way as General Meeting, only for amendment of the Bylaws or the dissolution or for the merger of the Organization.
The call for the Special Meeting shall be issued by the President, unless at least one-third (1/3) of its member requesting the meeting.
A quorum for the Special Meeting of the Organization shall be no less than 50% members in good standing who shall be present in person or represented by proxy at such duly called meeting.
All matters will be decided by a two-thirds majority vote of both those in attendance and those who have submitted proxy votes in advance.
The Minutes of the meeting will be recorded.
Article 13 – Officers
General Meeting will nominate and elect from within their ranks, the members of the Office enumerated below:
- A President;
- A Vice-president / A Treasurer;
- A Secretary, if necessary;
- A Communication representative, if necessary.
The members of the Office, each serving three-year terms, are re-eligible;
To stand for election, you must have been a member of the association for at least one year, have attended at least one General Meeting and be up-to-date with their membership fees. A member of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors of an association with a similar purpose may not stand for election.
The Office shall have the widest powers and authority to manage, direct, administer and represent the Organization within the limits of the Purpose of the Organization and within the framework of the resolutions adopted by the General Meeting.
The Office are convened as needed by the President or at the request of a quarter of the members of Boards of Directors.
Article 14 – President
The President, and in the event of incapacity the Vice-President, shall represents the Organization and be held accountable to the Law.
The President shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Organization, and have power to call Special meetings of the Organization or Office, as provided herein, for any purpose or purposes.
The President shall serve as a member of the Office in accordance with the Organization Bylaws and shall report actions to the Office and membership.
He shall perform duties ordinarily incident to his office, shall recommend such action as he deems proper, and sign such papers of the Organization as he may be authorized or directed by the Office.
Article 15 – Vice-President
The Vice-President designated by the Office shall assist the President in all duties.
In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall perform all duties of the President. When so acting, a Vice President shall have all powers of and be subject to all restrictions on the President. The Vice President shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as the Office or the Bylaws may prescribe.
Article 16 – Treasurer
The Treasurer shall oversee and ensure the safe custody of all funds, securities, evidence or indebtedness, and other valuable documents of the Organization and whenever required by the Office or the President, render a statement of cash accounts;
The Treasurer keep or cause to be kept such books and records as will show a record of expenses, losses, gains, assets and liabilities of the Organization; present and make to the annual meeting of the Organization and all Office meetings a report of the finances of the Organization; and to perform all other duties incidental of the office of Treasurer.
Article 17 – Secretary
The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the Organization and all other notices required by law or by these Bylaws. He shall archive all important documents for the Organization life.
In the event of the Secretary’s absence or inability to do so, such notice may be given by any person directed by the President, the Office, or members upon whose requisition the meeting is called as provided by these By-Laws, and record all of the proceedings of the meetings of the Association or Office, and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Office or the President.
Article 18 – Communication representative
Communication representative is responsible for planning and implementing communications inside and outside the Organization.
Article 19 – Indemnifications
No indemnifications: The Organization is too small to have the financial means to pay legal bills of Board members or purchase Directors and Officer insurance.
Article 20 – Standing rules
Standing rules may be established by the Office. General Meeting must show members approved the new Standing rules.
Standing rules are rules or resolutions to further supplement and clarify the Bylaws. Such rules shall be in addition to the Bylaws and shall not be construed to change or replace any Bylaws.
Article 21 – Dissolution
The Organization may be dissolved by resolution of the Special meeting adopted at any time, in accordance with the law and for the reasons provided for therein.
The Special meeting resolution shall then appoint a liquidator.
Upon dissolution, the net assets of the Organization, if any, shall not inure to the benefit of any private individual, unincorporated organization or corporation, including any member, officer or director of the Organization, but shall be distributed to a group or other organization pursuing an identical goal or to charitable works, in accordance with article 9 of the law of July 1, 1901.
Article 22 – Donations
The Organization shall provide its Financial and Accounting Records on any requisition from the Administrative authorities for inspection regarding the use of donations that it would be authorized to receive, and to report to them on its operation.
Appendices to Bylaws
Appendix I – List of the Founding Members
- Déborah Maitrejean
- Salomé Maitrejean
Appendix 2 – List of the Officers
- Déborah Maitrejean: President
- Salomé Maitrejean: Vice-President and Treasurer